I've never had a major move before, basically packing everything I own, so there has been some stress. Luckily my minimalist efforts in the past made the move fairly easy so far. Still some logistics to work out on the big stuff, but all in all I am glad the bulk of the move is over. The weekend I was supposed to drive down to start my new job, find a place, etc. just happened to coincide with Ms. Irene pounding the hell out of the east coast. Going against all advice, I drove down towards the hurricane the night before. No wind, no rain, no traffic. Sometimes people are so risk adverse that they miss out on great opportunities. I banked on that and we made our destination... which happened to have a generator and enough food and wine to last a few years. Nothing really to worry about at this point. So when Irene came, we went outside to play! (And by we, I mean Cyprus and I. Shaman is way too intelligent to do stupid things like that).
Braving the tidal surge! |
Hoping my new camera is somewhat waterproof. |
So my new life currently includes figuring out my new job, restarting physical therapy and as of tomorrow I will have completed the intro courses to CrossFit Hampton Roads. I've got some big plans, so I anticipate more posts. But who knows, maybe I'll get sucked up into the adventures and exploration to be had in this new area.